A 20% Discount to Maintain Your Holiday Glow


This time of the year the cold weather, extra shopping and the abundance of holiday parties can really start to take their toll on your skin, hair and energy.

But we have the perfect fix that your skin will thank you for!

For November, we are gift wrapping an offer to help you maintain your healthy holiday glow.

Schedule a  GLYCOLIC * Anti-aging PUMPKIN PEEL and you'll receive 20% discount (valid until 12/2). Contact us now to schedule an appointment with our holiday glow specialist (Rachel).


Unmask your skin's full potential!


Pumpkin is a true super food. It provides a potent supply of potassium, zinc, vitamins and beta-carotene. When applied to the skin it delivers antioxidants, vitamins, and naturally occurring enzymes and alpha-hydroxy acids, which makes it a powerhouse ingredient in our facial services.

Pumpkin is often referred to as nature’s “natural collagen,” because it promotes cell turnover and regeneration.

Kasia FRESH Pumpkin Glycolic Treatment



Receive 50% OFF  Glycolic Pumpkin Treatment Mask to extend your professional grade

Reach us at:  612.824.7611   

Rachel is available Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

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