Womens Health

Questions [and answers] to All Your Burning Questions About CBD

Hi there!    CBD Curious?

If you're just getting started on your exploration of Hemp and the growing industry of CBD enhanced products, this this is a great guide on the basics and how it can possibly help what ails YOU.

Canna-pedia | Topics to explore

  • What is CBD?
  • The difference between Hemp and Marijuana?
  • Cannabinoids and the EndoCannaboid system.
  • The Entourage Effect - Always necessary?
  • Are CBD and Hemp Oil Supplements Legal?
  • Where is Hemp grown and cultivated?
  • The difference between CBD Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed Oil.
  • Is it important to use CBD from organic Hemp?
  • Is CBD Legal?
  • The various ways to take CBD.
  • Finding the right dosage of CBD.
  • What is CBD good for treating? What conditions should I use it for?
  • Is CBD Hemp oil safe to use in Children?



Cannabidiol is a phytocannaboid, a phytochemical that is found in the Cannabis sativaplant. There are many plants and naturally occurring substances that produce CBD. The human body produces CBD as well. CBD supplements are derived from the Hemp plant and may come in the form of isolated CBD or CBD Hemp full spectrum plant oils.


Hemp and Marijuana are both cultivated from the Cannabis sativa plant. Industrial Hemp is cultivated from Cannabis sativa. Hemp is bred to be taller and has fibrous stalks. It has minute traces of THC and is high in CBD oils and other phytochemicals. According to the US laws, Hemp must contain less than .3% THC. Our Evoq product line contains 0% THC and organically derived.   

Marijuana may be from either Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica. It is cultivated for its flowering buds and is a smaller plant. It is high in THC, which is the psychoactive cannabinoid that makes you feel “high”. Marijuana is used for recreational and medical purposes to induce a state of Euphoria and help with pain. Most of these affects are due to the high THC content.

CBD is in both Marijuana and Hemp. However, the CBD is much higher in Hemp, and is why Evoq formulates with safe, toxic tagalong FREE industrial hemp.  Plus, Hemp has more phytonutrients and phytochemicals that promote health and well-being.


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Cannabidiol, CBD, is one of at least 113 active cannabinoids identified in Cannabis. It is one of the major phytocannabinoids, accounting for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. CBD and the other Cannabinoids interact with a system known as the Endocannboid system.

The Endocannaboid system is a biological system found in the nervous systems of all mammals. It is made up of endocannabinoids, which are fat based neurotransmitters, cannabinoid receptors, and receptor proteins. The ECS helps to regulate many functions in the human body including:

  • Motor function
  • Appetite
  • Sleep
  • Mood and Wellbeing
  • Hormones
  • Metabolism
  • Immune function
  • Memory and Cognition
  • Fertility
  • Pain sensation

The Human body produces cannabinoids and has receptors for them throughout the whole body. There are 2 main types of Cannabinoid receptors in the Nervous system. The CBD1 receptors are in the central nervous system composed of the brain and spinal cord. The CB2 receptors are in the peripheral nervous system and organs.

THC reacts with the CB1 receptors and that is what gives Marijuana is psychoactive affects. Hemp, which has predominantly non-THC cannabinoids such as CBD, CBN and other phytochemicals has a nutritive effect on the ECS and helps to regulate function of mood, inflammation, immunity, sleep, hormones, metabolism, nervous system and appetite.


The use of full spectrum Hemp oil supplements as the source of CBD is often ideal as it promotes what is known as the Entourage Effect, but there is a caveat.  Isolate is incredibly useful and powerful due to it's consistency and synergy when used with other key components (herbs, extracts, stem cells, etc) in a thoughtful formula.   The key here is that CBD is enhanced, and enhances other beneficial extracts in a formula.  

Full spectrum oils have a variety of nutrients and phytochemicals which work synergistically to enhance the benefits of each other. Some of the nutritional components in Hemp supplements include:

  • Essential fatty acids
  • Chlorophyll
  • Glycosides
  • Vitamins such as A, C, B-1, B-2, B-6, D
  • Phytosterols
  • Minerals such as zinc, magnesium, Iron and calcium
  • Proteins and amino acids
  • Terpenes
  • Flavonoids and other Anti-oxidants

The Entourage effect means that the whole plant use allows the compounds in the plant to work synergistically with each other and magnify the therapeutic benefits of the individual compounds. This is a concept common in many herbal traditions and is believed to be why plants have less negative side effects when used in whole form than as isolated compounds.

When the CBD Hemp oil supplements are unadulterated, organic and NON-GMO, they provide a wonderful full spectrum food supplement that nourishes the ECS of the body.


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CBD Oil Supplements derived from Industrial Hemp are legal as long as they contain no THC or less than .3% THC. CBD oils from Marijuana are a regulated substance and are only legal in states that allow medical marijuana with a prescription or have legalized recreationaL use.

CBD Hemp oil supplements coming from Industrial Hemp are legal to use and buy in all 50 states. CBD from Marijuana is subject to state laws relating to medical and recreational Marijuana use.


Most industrial Hemp is cultivated in Northern Europe and Spain. In recent years, there has been a boom in Hemp cultivation in the United States, but heeds with caution.

Beware especially when stating"organic" on soil thats only been cleared for 2 years.  Many parts of the EU have been regulated for years, and when choosing a supplier in the US or outside the US, all standards apply to making sure they pass every lab test with verification.  Evoq provides a seed to sail documentation system that creates transparency at every level of extraction.  


Hemp seed oils come from cold pressed hemp seeds. They do not have CBD in them. However, they are rich in essential fatty acids and other nutrients. CBD Hemp oil extracts come from Supercritical CO2 extraction of the Hemp Stalks. The CBD Hemp oils are rich in CBD and other phytonutrients.


 It is essential to use only CBD Hemp supplements derived from Organic Non-GMO Hemp. The CBD is an oil and the oils of plants are storage centers for toxins and chemicals. Whenever supplementing with any oils, it is essential to only use products from plants grown with organic and Non- GMO methods.


There are variety of ways to get CBD Hemp Oil into your health and well-being regime:

  • Pills and Capsules
  • Tinctures and Oil droppers
  • Liquids for food and smoothies
  • Beauty Products
  • Topical creams
  • Vaporizers
  • Chewable snacks


It is best to start with lower doses and work your way up. There are various options for different concentrations of CBD. There have not been adverse reactions reported with CBD supplements. Remember, CBD is naturally occurring in the human body. It is always best to use full spectrum Hemp extracts as a food supplement.

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Decades of research indicate that cannabinoids like CBD interact with the body’s Endocannabinoid System, a complex system that contributes to a variety of biological processes like inflammation responses, relaxation, sleeping, and appetite. By linking with the two main types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, which are found on cells throughout the body, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, helping it in the regulation of homeostasis — the body’s natural state of balance.

The FDA does not allow the suggestion of CBD oils as a treatment for any diseases. I encourage you to do your own research on CBD for conditions that you are interested in. However, I feel that CBD Hemp supplementation should be looked as a food supplement that supports our ECS and promotes well-being and balance.

The exciting research on CBD has opened up a new window into the ECS and its interaction with our Immune systems, nervous systems, and endocrine systems. This is only the beginning of a new field of research and discovery on healing.


CBD Hemp oil supplements are safe to use in all age groups and demographics. It is a food supplement.



SPF: Sunscreen Basics + Strategies

As the summer gets on it's way, let's make sure our SPF facts are up to snuff.


Why sunscreen daily?
Let me count the ways! Starting with the fact that 90% of visible signs of aging are caused by the sun. We are exposed to the sun daily (including UVA rays you might not notice) and your body counts sun exposure cumulatively. We may get wiser over the years, but we also collect more sun-time. And the damage shows up many, many years later.

Chemical Sunscreen
Containing ingredients like avobenzone, homosalate, octinoxate and others, chemical sunscreens absorb the sun’s rays, transform them into heat, which is then released from your skin. ‘Chemical’ sounds like a bad word, but it’s not here – it just describes how it functions. Chemical sunscreens take about 20 minutes to activate after application, so lotion up before heading out.


Physical Sunscreen
Physical sunscreens are ones with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and work like a mirror, deflecting the sun’s rays from your skin. They can be less likely to clog pores, cause less allergy issues, and are ideal for everyday use, especially on your face. And they’ve come a long way from the white-nose days, so don’t worry about that. Protection is instant once applied.

UVA vs. UVB Rays
The A and B letters are scientific, but all you have to remember is A for Aging and B for Burning. UVB rays cause familiar results – sunburns.  UVA rays do quieter damage, causing wrinkles, skin cancer, and visible signs of aging. UVA rays come through clouds and windows, which is why we preach daily sunscreen.

Broad Spectrum
Sunscreen labeled ‘Broad Spectrum’ protects against both UVA and UVB rays. If it’s not labeled as such, chances are it’s only covering UVB rays (think: your less expensive body sunscreens you’ll find at the drug store). You’re best off with Broad Spectrum to make sure you’re covered, especially when it comes to your face.


The SPF Numbers
Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is a standard laboratory measurement of a sunscreen’s ability to prevent UVB damage to our skin. (Important distinction, it doesn’t measure the impact of those aging UVA rays.) If it normally takes you ten minutes to burn, generously-applied SPF 30 would keep you from burning for 300 minutes, or about five hours. (Usual Time To Burn x SPF = Protection Time). Our take? Math is not fun at the beach, so do yourself a favor and just re-apply often and liberally.

How much sunscreen?
Conventional wisdom says a ‘shot glass’ worth over your entire body, although I suggest a bit more.  All depends on height and weight.   Apply more frequently if you’re sweating or in and out of the water.

Over or used as makeup?
I'm a big fan of  straight up sunscreen as a foundation with SPF to ensure coverage.  Our clients love our  Tinted UV Protect 35 SPF facial lotion that is incredibly light and lightly tinted to blend into most skin types (haven't found anyone yet that it has not).  The other great option is to dust with our La Bella Donna Minerals to assure protection at a 25 SPF and  non-nano, so that you do not loose your makeup (and coverage) through your pores throughout the day. 

When was this stuff invented?
Want to sound smart at your summer barbecue? The first major commercial sunscreen was sold in 1936, by the founder of L’Oreal. Ten years later, it improved dramatically for soldiers in World War II. “SPF” as a standard was adopted in 1974. And before all that, ancient cultures used olive oil, rice extract, zinc oxide, and other compounds for thousands of years.


After all that, do you need some sunscreen? Visit Evoq Beauty for our selection, or book a facial and pick up some in person.

Facial Cupping - Plump & Glow Services at BE

A Modern Skin Health Approach with Facial Cupping

Facial Cupping History - Women from Asia to Europe have been utilizing  negative pressure techniques called facial cupping for facial rejuvenation and youth maintenance for 5000 years.

This gentle and effective treatment of a light suction technique is as an all-natural alternative to a surgical facelift or laser and chemical treatments.

Our current facial clients are loving how it tones the facial muscles and reduces under eye puffiness. It literally give you a lift by improving the blood circulation to your facial muscles. Say good-bye to double chin, jowls and facial bloating!

Instant Benefits Inside - Out

This de-stressing facial treatment increases circulation and nutrients to the skin, increases lymphatic flow, and reduces inflammation.


By increasing blood flow and circulation to the skin, your skin will regain its youthful appearance. Results are seen and felt immediately. Be impressed by its subtle power and incredible results.

Body and Face Metabolic & Structural Benefits

Over time, metabolic waste gets built up in our superficial fascia. When this happens, our superficial fascia can develop restrictions that impede proper flow of nutrients and waste products between our skin, fascia, and muscles. 

Suction creates space, allowing for the dermis to make new choices with regards to nutrients, drainage, and repair. Our facial soft-tissue is arranged in a series of concentric layers: skin, subcutaneous fat, superficial fascia, mimetic muscle, deep facial fascia, and facial nerves, parotid duct and the buccal fat pad. And in cupping massage, the layers get de-compressed a bit; just enough to make a difference.

How does it work?

* Suction tubes designed for the face are used to rhythmically and gently vacuum tissues of the face and neck.

* The suction created, lifts, tones, and plumps muscles. It relaxes facial muscles and plumps the lines father time has etched on your face.

* It moves toxins and stagnant blood out, and ushers new nutrient-enriched blood and fluids in, to detoxify your face; thereby repairing and nourishing your face.

* Its deep invigorating action increases elastin and collagen; preserving our youthfulness. It reverses gravity’s effects on your face; giving a youthful glow.

* It gives your face a lymphatic drainage and increases circulation, resulting in a clearer, cleaner, more even complexion with beautiful- healthy color.

 Results & Benefits You Can Expect:

– Relaxes tension in facial muscles, easing expression lines
– Improves blood circulation for color and even tone
– Plumps wrinkles and facial lines
– Lift Sagging Face (cheek-lift, eyelid-lift, jowl-lift)
– Tones up and evens out the jaw-line
– Facial glow as fresh nutrients brought to the epidermis
– Tighten pores
– Drains stagnant fluid to ease puffiness and reduce edema
– Increases collagen production for youthfulness
– Improves elasticity to tighten loose skin
– Soften and reduce scar tissue
– Clear Acne
– Tighten ‘loose’ veins that appear red on skin surface
– Reduce headaches and migraines
– Relieve sinus issues
– Increases lymphatic drainage around the face
– Enhances absorption of face products you use
– Loosen rigid muscles of TMJ

Schedule the Treatment ...Plump n Glow. 


For more information about our integrative skin therapies and cupping, please contact us for a free consultation or to make an appointment. 
30 Minutes: $45
Add On Focus Facial: $20


Book Online Here

Salon: 612.824.7611

Text: 612.386.4044

BE Well.    xo

The RIGHT Way to Detox. Counting Calories or Counting Chemicals?

Spring is a time where we become more aware of the importance of detoxification due to the changing of the season and the need of the body to shift into new energies and lifestyles. 

From beauty magazines to wellness bloggers, we see many talking about their favorite detoxes. Detoxes for skin, rapid detoxes, juice detoxes, colon cleanses – you name it! It seems everyone has their own take on how to detox your body.

BUT .... is it appropriate, safe, or right for you?

Let’s chat about what it means to truly detox your body. No lemon drinks or apple cider vinegar fasts – this article shares how to truly detox your beautiful bod - through your detox pathways and a look at the different ways you can support them for truly safe and effective detoxification.


First things first. 


Your body has four major detoxification organs, and they are:

  • Your liver
  • Your kidneys
  • Your digestive system
  • Your skin

    Other detoxification pathways include your lungs and lymphatic system but these are the four major organs that can easily be supported for effective and improved detoxification.

We are exposed to tens of thousands of chemicals every day. While everyone should be working to reduce their daily toxin exposure, the truth of the matter is unless you live in a bubble – you can’t possible eliminate all toxin exposure. That being said, no one should rely on detoxification alone – read about how to Reduce Your Daily Toxin Exposure, in my free guide.

When it comes to being healthy, implementing detoxification techniques should be right up there with diet and exercise. This advice goes for everyone, but is especially important for anyone dealing with chronic health issues. Let’s look at the four detoxification organs more closely and learn how you can support each for optimal detoxification that goes beyond a trendy one time spring cleaning. 



1. Detox Through Your Liver

When it comes to your body’s detoxification pathways your liver is the workhorse of organs. The largest solid organ in your body, your liver takes quite the beating as it filters through toxins, proteins, fats, and more.  

Your liver is about the size of a football and is divided into two lobes, which has eight segments. Compared to the rest of your body, your liver requires a lot of blood and contains between 10 to 13 percent of your entire blood supply in it at one time.

Though your liver has a ton of work to do when it comes to detoxifying your body, it’s up for the challenge – provided you give it the support it needs. Detoxification in the liver happens in two-parts – phase 1 and phase 2. Each phase has different requirements, which you can support through diet and supplementation.

You can support Phase 1 liver detox with:

  • B vitamin supplements
  • Folate
  • Glutathione
  • Polyphenols
  • Quercetin
  • Lycopene

You can support Phase 2 liver detox with:

  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Glutathione
  • Magnesium
  • Essential amino acids

Studies have also found that intermittent fasting supports Phase 2 detoxification.

Foods known to positively impact liver detoxification include:

  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Grapefruit
  • Resveratrol
  • Fish oils
  • Green and black tea


2. Detox Through Your Kidneys

You have two kidneys located on either side of your spine just below the ribs. Your kidneys filter between 120 to 150 quarts of blood each day, which produces one to two quarts of urine. Your urine contains excess fluid and waste as a method of detoxification.

Blood is filtered through a million nephrons, where each contains a glomerulus and tubule. These prevent large molecules from passing through while filtering out waste products. Additionally, nuclear factor erythroid 2 (Nrf2) is a transcription factor known to protect the kidneys from oxidative stress. To improve your body’s detoxification processes, you’ll need to be sure to support these important processes.

You can support kidney detoxification with:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Resveratrol
  • Isoflavonoids
  • Astaxanthin

Foods known to boost kidney detoxification include:

  • Coffee
  • Garlic
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Rose
  • Rosemary
  • Blueberry
  • Broccoli
  • Seaweed
  • Beets
  • Cranberries



3. Detox Through Your Digestive System

Going to the bathroom is another major detoxification pathway. If you aren’t going regularly or are constipated, this is more than a discomfort – you’re actually not getting necessary waste out.

Also, if you have any digestive issues – like leaky gut for example – your gut detoxification pathway isn’t functioning at its prime and that’s also an issue.

You can support digestive detoxification with:

  • Making sure you address any underlying gut issues. This means healing leaky gut, eliminating gluten and food sensitivities, and anything else that might be preventing your digestive system from functioning optimally.
  • Use detox binders – Detox binders, like activated charcoal and certain clays, can help collect toxins along the digestive tract and help your body eliminate them through your waste.

Foods that can support gut detoxification include anything that supports a healthy microbiome:

  • Probiotic foods including sauerkraut and kimchi
  • Prebiotic foods like Jerusalem artichoke and garlic

4. Detox Through Your Skin

Your skin plays an important role in biotransformation and detoxification through eliminating toxic substances. Your skin also helps reduce oxidative stress through sweating, it’s metabolizing enzymes, and redox regulation. The best ways to support your skin’s natural detox pathways is by eating nutrient dense foods and sweating more.

You can support detoxification through your skin with:

  • Exercise – One of the best things about exercise is it gets you sweating. Sweating is an important detoxification pathway in your body that only works when it’s turned on. Meaning, if you’re not sweating on a regular basis you aren’t getting the benefits of this detoxification pathway. When you exercise, make sure you sweat so you get the most out of your work out.
  • Infrared saunas – Infrared saunas heat your core temperature and make you really sweat. This has been shown to help your body excrete heavy metals like arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Plus, infrared saunas are incredibly enjoyable. I recommend you look for an infrared sauna near you and incorporate it into your weekly routine today.
  • Dry brushing – Dry brushing actually works through stimulating the lymphatic system but it also can help remove toxins on the surface and exfoliate dead skin too.

If you’re going to jump on the detox bandwagon this spring, I recommend you use methods that actually work. Instead of choosing something trendy, why don’t you incorporate some of these detox techniques into your everyday life so you can reap the benefits of detoxification on a daily level.

Too many people are counting calories and not enough people are counting chemicals and it’s time we paid attention with better detoxification practices.


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Thank you Dr Jill Carnahan for sharing this great information. Find the full article here.


  • https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/healthlibrary/conditions/liver_biliary_and_pancreatic_disorders/liver_anatomy_and_functions_85,P00676
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4488002/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3591652/
  • https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/kidney-disease/kidneys-how-they-work
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4488002/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3415238/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3312275/

The tricky signs of hidden histamines & how to reverse them. (life changing)

Welcome back to class as we continue to connect the dots on Histamines! 

Meet Flora.

florae \ˈflȯr-ˌē, -ˌī\
:bacteria and microorganisms in the body of humans intestinal flora.

While I would love to share how we infuse 'sea flora' in to our beautiful food-grade skincare line - today we're talking about the GUT (and much more). 

Think of your gut FLORA as an inner garden; just with any garden,– when you let the weeds take over, it get's a little ugly.


Beauty & Wellbeing  -  Begins in the Belly.

Hista What?

If you missed our first look at histamines, you can review it here.
For the cliff note version, continue to read below.


It's no wonder!  

Our gut is where 70% of the immune system lies, where we metabolize hormones, where we make enzymes, and where we make nutrients.  This is why what goes in our digestive system can impact our mood, health, brain and skin so profoundly. 

Proper nutrition and a gut clean up is the true root of healing for glowing healthy skin and a resurrection of healthy hair growth.  

FIRST, we take a FIELD TRIP back to understanding  the origin of Histamines and the role they play.

Histamines are essential.

Our body naturally makes histamine, but are also introduced through our diet.  Histamine can trigger common allergies, as well as play a essential role in helping us regulate sleep and digestion.

  The Two Enzymes that Impact a Histamine Imbalance

These two enzymes, especially DAO, bind & break down histamine, preventing excess histamine.

The Reaction:  When you are unable to metabolize histamine or eat foods high in histamines - allergy like symptoms can occur.  (ie: redness of the skin, hives, congestion or a runny nose, swelling, fatigue, diarrhea, and other symptoms)  can occur.

Getting to the ROOT


Diet and Lifestyle Choices

The Microbiome Connection
Your micro-biome and gastro health is critical.   This is where your natural enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO) production occurs.   * This enzyme is what breaks down histamines. * 

Leaky Gut
Histamine intolerance can occur without a leaky gut, but there is a common link to the release of particles in the body and blood - increasing leaky gut exacerbates and the symptoms of histamine intolerance.

DNA & Genetics
Histamine intolerance is partially genetic and people with certain genes seem to be more predisposed.

Predispo... - WHAT?
A genetic predisposition of poor methylation or unable to obtain the key vitamins (B6, B12, iron, copper and vitamin C) - causes symptoms flare up.

Gas, bloating and constipation?  Hypothyroidism + Hashimoto's + SIBO

What do these three things have in common?
They may be caused by SIBO which is correlated with the Histimine im-balance and thyroid production.   SIBO is an inflammatory condition in the GI tract and is caused by an overgrowth of yeast and bacteria.  50% of those with hypothyroidism have SIBO.

Here are a few hints of histamine high foods to avoid.   
Download this 'done for you' food guide checklist to create ease and clarity on your next field-trip to the store.  

  • Fermented foods  
  • Cow's milk and most cultured dairy (such as cheeses & yoghurt)
  •  Vinegar products (vinegar, pickles, ketchup, mustard)
  • Artificial colors + Artificial preservatives
  • Long cooked bone broth

Lifestyle & Nutrition Tips

  • Avoid eating canned foods and ready meals
  • Avoid eating ripened and fermented foods (older cheeses, alcoholic drinks, products containing yeast)
  • Avoid leftover meat products


*Cleanse + Favor Vitamin C
There's a good reason we use THE BIG C in our Evoq skin line.
It's a powerful antioxidant!  We’ve already schooled you on cleansing for spring (you can find it here).  

*How Vita C works? Rather than blocking histamine from binding to receptor sites ( what pharmaceuticals do), Vitamin C prevents histamine from forming in the first place. 

FIND A LOCAL HIVE.  Allergies are noticeably decreased by incorporating raw and local honey into the diet.  You can also get this through bee pollen. I love Premiere Research Labs Bee Pollen

This antioxidant can be found naturally in apples, onions and other produce. Research proves its an effective natural allergy remedy because it is able to lessen the respiratory side effects caused by inflammation in the airways. 

*Stinging Nettle
This plant is a common herb and shows its power in clinical studies revealing that 58% of people rated nettle as more effective than other allergy medications they’ve tried.

It's best when treating the respiratory distress and other symptoms often associated with allergies, primarily by blocking the action of agents causing inflammation and swelling. 

The following probiotics either contain histamine reducing or histamine neutral strains. Best strain? Probiotic that contains Bifidobacterium infantis and B. longum. 
*Liver Support
Supporting the liver with herbs like milk thistle, artichoke leaf, wasabi, and sarsaparilla.

*DAO Supplementation
DAO supplements supply the enzyme that breaks down histamine. 

This flavone is helpful in lowering inflammation, which is often at the core of histamine intolerance. According to a 2000 study in the journal of Pharmacology, luteolin has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It also inhibits the activity of mast cells, which release histamine.

In studies, ginger has shown to inhibit histamine release and protect from peptic ulcers. As a culinary herb, you can easily add it to your diet and reap its benefits.

They have the unique ability to bring stress hormones up when they’re too low, and bring them down when they’re too high. So essentially, they always know what to do to keep your body in the proper balance. This dual action is what make adaptogens a fabulous option among histamine supplements.


Our *NEW* EVOQ CBD Curing Concentrate is built with 300mg of ACTIVE medicinal cannabinoids and Full Spectrum Terpene natural boosters to instantly calm and balance your immune system.


Hope you enjoyed and made it to the end!  

Consider specialized testing — such as organic acid, stool, gluten sensitivity and food allergy testing if the above strategies don’t help you get to the bottom of flora gut dysfunction. You might have to work with a Functional Medicine practitioner to effectively test and treat imbalances in your gut. 

NEXT we review how histamines effect women's everyday aging and the secret tools to fight back. 

xo Love + Health + Beauty      -  Kassandra

A Clear Victory over Adult Acne (7 action tips on adult acne inside)


Claim Clear Victory over Adult Acne!

First, don't freak out. Don't fret - flareups are not forever.  All acne production is hormonally based whether you are 15 or 52.   Often acne is a invitation to learn what your body wants and needs and to give it what it is needing.  We suggest looking at your beauty products, habits, and health.  Once you fix the root cause of acne—your diet and hormones to not washing your face after a workout—your skin will clear itself naturally.

Here are some steps to help you claim victory over those pesty - pimples....

1. Limit stress. And the unhealthy habits that come with it, like excessive drinking, not sleeping enough, smoking and eating unhealthy or overprocessed foods. Limit stress as much as possible by spending time with friends, cuddling, getting outdoors, sleeping, deep breathing, eating clean and drinking plenty of water or green tea. 

2. Eat smart. “When your diet is wrong for you, it will do two things,” says women’s hormone expert Alisa Vitti, director of Flo Living. “It causes the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the intestines, which reduces immune response on the skin and increases inflammation. And it disrupts endocrine function such that hormones become more unbalanced and increase hormonal acne. These villains are white flour, dairy, sugar, and animal and processed fats.

3. Limit dairy. Dermatologist Paul Jarrod Frank, MD, says, “A diet that has a lot of dairy in it is pro-inflammatory, meaning that it can exacerbate any condition, like acne, that involves inflammation.” Eat lean protein and brightly colored vegetables and fruits instead.

daily face wash
daily face wash

4. Wash your face every night and exfoliate. No matter how busy you are. If that seems like too much, your cleanser is over drying.  If needed, use agentle cleanser in the morning and a salicylic or glycolic one at night. Use an exfoliating mask a couple times a week: dry skin is dead skin, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. Slough it off.

5. Wash up after a workout. If you're dealing with acne, “it's best to just shower immediately after working out and use a cleanser all over. Sweating is good for the skin, but you don't want to let it linger.”

6. Choose products wisely. Wow -  80 percent of acne issues are resolved with the right regimen—a good cleanser, an exfoliant, a balancing treatment serum, for starters. Many facial oils are great for acne-prone skin, but not synthetic or heavy ones like lanolin or mineral oil. Avoid artificial fragrances, which can increase skin sensitivity.

7. Don’t over-treat. Women over-exfoliate or overuse drying and irritating products like benzyl peroxide products when they aren’t making the internal connection to their skin.  If you are on the pill, the affects your body's hormone levels and doesn't solve the issue.

Feeling stressed? Then it is no surprise you are battling blemishes. Stress releases the hormone cortisol, which can increase oil production and block pores, thus aggravating your acne.  According to experts, up to 50 percent of adult women in the US suffer from acne breakouts. Here are some causes and cures for those adult-onset blemishes.

Beat the battle with a consistent skin care ritual with our top skin acne fighting products!   

Reference: Well + Good



If you thought sun exposure, stress and smoking were the only things to worry about when it comes to speeding up the ageing process - think again. Recent studies have also shown that there a number of foods that also contain the nasties that have the potential to boost the rate at which we wrinkle.

Your Guide to the Best Oils for YOUR Scalp and Hair Type

Your Guide to the Best Oils for YOUR Scalp and Hair Type

With the vast amount of incredible attributes to a wide array of oils - it only leaves us in confusion.  There are many components that differentiate oils.  When using in their purest form for the "DIY" informed beauty, it is best to know which will be the most effective and efficient.   Take a quick glance at the suggested list of "BEST" oils for your individual hair, skin, and scalp needs.

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