Has a recent pregnancy and/or giving birth that wreaks such havoc on hair? Here are a couple leading reasons why, followed with some tips for newly pregnant mama's and current busy mama's alike!!
Is your hair shine-LESS after having a baby?
Most women find their hair looks thicker and shinier during pregnancy but hormonal changes come "full-on" after having a baby.
The three phases of hair; growth, resting and shedding.
Hair grows at the same rate that it falls out. Although, when you are pregnant your "pregnancy hormones" extend the growth period, particularly during the second and third trimester, which is why women often notice hair becoming thicker as
their pregnancy goes on. Usually, losing your hair after birth is just your hair going back to normal. This is variable for all women. Some determining factors may be nutrition, stress, weight gain-sudden loss, etc.
Hair gone dry?
Most believe the sebaceous glands are vastly producing oil during pregnancy, but the opposite can also occur; the hormones can reduce the amount of oil your sebaceous glands produce.
Hormones should return to normal, and the dry fly-aways should subside. In the meantime, use Kasia Off the Fritz and Outshine Serum to build moisture back into the hair, protect and to create a finished look. Even the finest hair can benefit from a our Outshine Hair Serum.
Good nutrition for recovery is key.
Of course nutrition is the foundation to all of the series of nuances mentioned in this article! One are women often fall short of is high quality protein in it's completest form......MEAT! Organic chicken and turkey are a great source. Stay away from fish due to the metal's probability they carry. Hair needs protein!
“Your body considers your hair to be non-essential tissue, so it’s the last to benefit from good nutrition.”