NOW at Kasia: Experience The Benefits Of Sovereign Silver Hydrosol Now


The founder of hydrosol silver is on a mission to bring silver colloids to the homes of all who need it for their own health or that of their families. This product is touted to be the most effective, safest, and purest colloidal silver hydrosol available. It is also the top-selling silver available in the United States and overseas. Silver has been used as an antiseptic and disease-fighter for hundreds of years. Suspension of microscopic silver particles in liquid creates a silver colloid that may be ingested in order to take advantage of these properties.

As an alternative medicine treatment, colloidal silver is used as an essential mineral type of bodybuilding supplements. It has also been used to treat or prevent diseases such as HIV, AIDS, diabetes, tuberculosis, and cancer. Many tout its use as a germ killer, healer, and natural preventative.

Over the past few decades, low-quality colloidal silver products have shed a negative light on this natural preventative. These products contain contaminants, such as salts and proteins, which can actually cause the colloidal silver to be harmful to those taking it. However, Sovereign Silver is considered the most pure, refined colloidal silver available on the market. This product is meticulously produced and even its glass packaging meets the highest standards of quality.

In the past, some silver has been known to turn the skin a bluish color, a condition called Argyria. However, Sovereign Silver is guaranteed not to do so and this promise is backed by a representative from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is the only silver hydrosol on the market that is supported by this statement.

This colloidal silver product includes 96 percent actively charged particles and the smallest average particle sizes available. The only ingredients in the product are silver and water. The silver is 99.99 percent pure and is present in a very small quantity. The water is high-quality medical grade and the combination of the two ingredients results in a clear and almost tasteless liquid.

Total daily dosage varies depending on the desired results and one dose equals a teaspoon. Hold the liquid under the tongue for 30 seconds and then swallow it. One dose taken daily will maintain the body in peak functioning capacity and up to seven doses may be taken for immunity system support. If building immunity is the goal, take three doses per day.

In addition to the liquid, the manufacturer has created a homeopathic first aid gel made from silver. The gel serves as a skin infection fighter and it calms minor inflammations of the skin. In addition, it can reduce topical pain and help the skin to heal. The silver first aid gel can serve as a replacement for antiseptics, burn treatments, and rash fighters.

Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol Immune Supplement and homeopathic first aid gel are tools in the arsenal of immune defense products. Kasia Organic Salon now retails  colloidal silver sovereign’s potential as a therapeutic treatment. Whether the goal is to maintain a healthy system, fight minor infections, or prevent against diseases, silver and can provide valuable benefits.

Reference: written by:  Ben Pate

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