Kassie's Personal Story

As a student at the Aveda Institute, I gained a valuable education, priceless experience and received top honors for my work and academic achievements. But most important to me during my time there was a special gift I received. That was the knowledge that the use of natural and botanically-based products, plus a conscious connection to the earth, could support a level of beauty and a mission that is more than skin deep. I was handed a second precious gift in my life: the lessons I learned from my late brother Kelsey, as he battled cancer. Throughout his illness, he never let the smile leave his face and always practiced sincere courtesy and kindness toward everyone around him. He inspired me to look for answers and connections and to create meaningful relationships with all whom I meet. Most of all, he persevered and fought for himself with optimism and gusto, despite the reality that surrounded him.

His example first served me when I struck out on my own while renting a chair in a busy salon. In addition to my salon degree, I was a certified Personal Trainer, Yoga/Pilates Instructor, Functional Medicine Student, Certified Health Coach and Living Foods Educator. I was excited to offer a holistic view point to my clients and help them learn about the connection between what we put into our bodies as well as what we put onto it.

But my attempt was cut short.

Very quickly, within the environment in which I was working, I began getting sick. I had been living a healthy lifestyle, detoxifying my body and teaching others about raw foods, but at the end of the day, I would arrive home in a fog with horrible migraine headaches. I soon realized that the chemicals surrounding me, the same chemicals being used by my salon mates, were making me sick. I had to ask myself, "If the chemicals that built this mulit-million dollar industry are making me sick, what are they doing to the clients upon whose bodies we we’re placing them?” After all, the skin is the body’s largest organ .

That experience inspired my mission to create a different way to achieve beauty. A way that is does not abide by the industry's unspoken mantra of "beauty at any cost."

Today, through Kasia Organic Salon, I am providing a new philosophy of providing beauty services that go well beyond the "above-the-shoulders" makeover. Kasia is Greek meaning “pure.” My staff and I approach each client with as holistic view that offers women of the Twin Cities pure products and mindful services so they can achieve their beauty and style desires, while supporting —not sacrificing — their health in the process.

There is a subtle yet powerful cause and effect relationship between our body and what we put into or what we place on it, whether beneficial or harmful. Some effects are obvious and manifest immediately, while others become evident over time. I have spent years researching and selecting products that are pure, organic and effective at providing healthful results, as well as helping women achieve the latest style trends.

All the products we use on our clients and sell are void of the top 10 most harmful ingredients, and are screened for other ingredients known to be harmful. In addition, we have developed our own Kasia brand skin care line, natural deodorant, and non-toxic sunscreen, all of which contain pure, nutritious ingredients that safely treat a broad range of skin types and conditions.

I love color, chemistry and style and I value having relationships with my clients that are more than skin deep. I like knowing that I can combine my passions and values to help women learn new ways to make positive changes in their lives.

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