Womens Health

Menopause: Discover Hidden Hormone Imbalances

Menopause: Discover Hidden Hormone Imbalances

I see it every day in the lives of my clients.  Whether "creeping" or well on it's way,  menopause brings about the many emotional facts of being exhausted, impatient  and – in short, frazzled!  The article below is a guest post from Candace Burch with ZRT Labs after being inspired by reading Dr. John R. Lee’s life changing go-to book on the subject, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause", and got smart.

2 Best Fall Beauty Smoothies: Detox & Cleanse (recipes inside)


Fall is my favorite time of year. I love summer but fall – The leaves are turning and the air starts to become crisper. This also means  that Halloween and Christmas are right around the corner, and best of all, the apples.

Liver TLC for Fall

I can trust that you - like many - are on the run this Fall season.   A zesty green smoothy for you and the family can be super refreshing and delicious.  It also provides a easy way to detoxify the liver and cleanse the body while still enjoying a delicious treat or temporary meal replacement.

Skin Love through you LIVER!

A cleaned-up liver can process nasty toxins more efficiently which leads to clear, radiant and younger-looking skin. Blending fruits and vegetables in a smoothie versus juicing, boosts the absorption of all the beneficial vitamins and nutrients by keeping the fiber in the mix. This aids in cleansing and gets the body back into balance resulting in more energy and a natural glow.

Of course, we suggest choosing  organic when possible to avoid heavily pesticide-sprayed produce. Pesticides are toxic to the body, far from beautiful and defeat the purpose of detoxification.

Filled to the brim with purifying ingredients, this revitalizing smoothie is a GREAT addition to take the stress of your mind, body, and adrenal's this change of season into the brisker air.


green smoothie


Enjoy TWO Green Beauty Smoothies

Directions and Ingredients:


  • 8 oz coconut water – Contains enzymes that help to detoxify and repair the body

  • ½ lemon peeled – Detoxifies the liver and helps convert toxins into water-soluble form that can be easily eliminated from the body

  • Small handful of parsley leaves – Loaded with vitamins A, C, K along with folate and iron which all benefit healthy skin

  • ½ granny smith apple – Quercetin found in the apple skin tackles free radicals that cause damage and wrinkles

  • ½ cucumber peeled & cut – Made of 95% water, keeps the body hydrated while helping it eliminate toxins

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds – Filled with omega-3’s that boost collagen production and fiber to aid in cleansing

  • Handful of spinach – Chlorophyll in greens oxygenates and alkalizes the blood leading to less inflammation and glowing skin

  • ¼ avocado – The good fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, which help control the skin’s moisture level

  • Stevia to sweeten – Natural sweetener to satisfy a sweet tooth made from a plant with no sugar and impact on blood sugar levels

  • 3-4 ice cubes

Blend ingredients until smooth and enjoy your Organic SUPER-WOMAN Green Beauty Smoothie.





Fall Apple Green Smoothie

With the leaves turning there is an abundance of delicious home grown organic apples!


  • 1 Apple

  • 1 Orange

  • 1/2 Lime – Peeled

  • 1″ Ginger (Frozen)

  • 2 C. Spinach

  • 1 C. Almond Milk

  • 1 C. Ice Cubes


  • Grate the frozen ginger

  • Peel the lemon

  • Remove the apple core

  • Blend it!

Smoothie reference{from my article in the Coco Eco Magazine EARTH ROCKS Spring/Summer 2014 issue on p. 50-51} Greensmoothieforbeauty

When does Menopause and Perimenopause Start? (are these hormone myths sabotaging you?)


  mature blonde

MYTH: I don’t have to worry about hormones until menopause. Meanwhile, I can do whatever I want to my body – drink like a fish, party like a rock star, skimp on sleep – without consequences.

TRUTH: This is one of those myths that even most doctors believe!

Many hormone levels – such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone – start to drift downward in your twenties. Other hormones, like cortisol, often spike too high and pull other hormones out of balance. Women younger than thirty may not yet feel affected by the aging process, but perhaps they want to get pregnant (or keep the option open) or avoid the wrinkles that they see on their mom’s face.

At What Age Do Menopause and Perimenopause Start?

menopause-3 Menopause occurs at a mean age of 51. Perimenopause, the years from about 35 to 50, are famous for hormonal chaos, but even Chinese Medicine recognizes that subtle hormonal shifts begin at age 28.Quite poetically, Chinese Medicine teaches that your energetic meridians are focused on your pelvic region during your reproductive years, and as reach toward menopause, chi starts to flow more toward your heart. In the West, we’re far less poetic. We focus on how many ripe eggs are left in the ovaries at any given time,how’s the egg quality based on a lab test, and when am I finally going to meet the life partner so that I can get busy having babies.   Here’s where you want to focus your energy:

Women In Their 20s…

… benefit from understanding that the best way to mind your hormones so that you are brimming with vitality begins early. Master your sleep (94% of us need 8 hours each night), eat nutrient-dense food (and not too much), stop sitting so much, and detox your liver periodically (off the alcohol). When you don’t indulge stress and let it overpower you, you’re actually creating hormonal grace. The reason is simple: Cortisol, the main stress hormone, controls the levels of the other key hormones in your body, including thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

Women in Their 30s…

… may feel increasingly tense and overwhelmed, in need of better strategies on how to chillax. Your goal should be to prevent the high blood pressure, prediabetes, and accelerated aging that come with chronically high perceived stress.

Women in Their 40s/50s…

… may want to regain the buoyancy of their earlier life. Perhaps you want to wake up feeling more restored, without the obsessive thoughts or brain fog.

Women 60+

294s5l0… may wish to optimize their cognitive functioning—to improve their thinking, memory, and competitive edge.    Don’t suffer needlessly. I don’t want you to be misinformed by prevailing myths, underserved by your doctors, or miseducated by the media. With natural hormone balancing, these years can be fun and sexy.   It starts with being fully informed about your hormonal status, regardless of age.


Guest Post: Sara Gottfried

Do You Know How to Stay Clean in a Toxic World? LEARN HOW AT THE DETOX SUMMIT! (details inside)


As many of you know, our health and beauty company see's  through a Functional Medicine lens.   I’ve written about many times on my blog, the toxins of our environment, nutrition, beauty products, and more - is affecting our health in so many ways. This is especially important during pregnancy and early childhood.

The toxicity of our environment and how that is interacting with our genes. We call this the epigenetic influence.  You can now learn about the latest research online through the DETOX SUMMIT!

It is free! Each day, a set of lectures will appear and you will have the whole day to listen to those lectures.

You can sign up for the Detox Summit here.  


Do You Know How to Stay Clean in a Toxic World? LEARN HOW AT THE DETOX SUMMIT!

The Institute for Functional Medicine

For example, I just finished this video where Soram Khalsa, MD shares great info on Women's Health & Toxicity.   Here are a few important facts from his webinar:

  •  There are over 85,000 known chemicals we interact in and 90%  have never been tested for safety. 

  • The average women uses 9 personal care products per day.  Each product on average has 14 chemicals.  This averages 126 chemicals per day that are known to disrupt our endocrine system.

  • Phthalates are a catalyst to an increase in Breast Cancer, inflammation, infertility, etc.

Head over and enjoy The Detox Summit  online from August 4-11, 2014!

13 Signs That You May Have a Thyroid Disorder: Hypo or Hyper?

Hyper and hypo thyroid disorders can be very confusing to differentiate  for women. This is a great article reposted from healthy and natural world (.) com.  Enjoy, share and I hope it clears up any questions you may have had!  



Your thyroid gland plays a very important role in your body. It is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, just above your collarbone. It is one of your endocrine glands, which make hormones that control many activities in your body.

There are a number of possible thyroid diseases and disorders, and the two of the most common thyroid disorders are hyperthyroidism (when your thyroid gland makes more thyroid hormones than your body needs) and hypothyroidism (when your thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormones). Other diseases include goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland), thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules (lumps in the thyroid gland) and thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland).

According to the American Thyroid Association more than 12% of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime, and these are many millions of people. Hypothyroidism is more common than hyperthyroidism and although the two disorders are closely linked, they have several important differences that affect diagnosis and treatment.

Here you can find a guide to the top 13 signs that you may have a thyroid disorder:

1. Fatigue and sleep disorders

Hypothyroidism - Fatigue is the number one symptom in hypo. You feel that you want to sleep all the time, or you sleep more than usual but still feel tired and exhausted with no energy. Hyperthyroidism – some people with hyperthyroidism find it hard to fall asleep, and therefore they feel tired or exhausted. This is because overactive thyroid can cause insomnia due to rapid pulse and anxiety which can make it hard to fall asleep or even wake you in the middle of the night.

2. Weight changes

Hypothyroidism - You have a weight gain or you find it very difficult to lose weight. This is one of the top symptoms in hypo. I have already written a few articles that will help you to lose weight by increasing your metabolism and by eating these foods. Hyperthyroidism – You may be losing weight although you eat the same amount of food as usual, or even losing weight while eating more than normal due to increased appetite.

3. Mood and mental changes

Hypothyroidism - You feel unusually depressed, sad and feeling down. This is because too little thyroid hormone affects the levels of serotonin in the brain. You may also find that your mind is not sharp and that you have poor concentration or poor memory or general brain fog. Hyperthyroidism – hyperthyroidism is more associated with anxiety or panic attacks, or you feel that you cannot relax. Also too much thyroid hormone can cause difficulty concentrating.

4. Bowel problems

Hypothyroidism - you have severe or long-term constipation. This is one of the top most common symptoms and is due to the changes in hormone level production that can cause a slowdown of digestive processes. Hyperthyroidism – you have diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

5. Muscle or joint problems

Hypothyroidism - you feel a sudden numbness, tingling or pain in your limbs. This is because producing too little thyroid hormone can affect the signals sent from the brain and spinal cord throughout the body. You may also feel general muscular or joint stiffness, pain or weakness, or have tendonitis in the arms and legs. Hyperthyroidism – can also cause a variety of muscle or joint problems, such as difficulties in holding objects with hands, or reaching arms above the head or climbing stairs.

6. Irregular periods, fertility and libido problems

Hypothyroidism - your periods are heavier, longer, more frequent and more painful. You may also suffer from infertility, low sex drive and hormone imbalances such as PMS. Hyperthyroidism – you have shorter, lighter or infrequent periods. You may also suffer from infertility (both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can interfere with ovulation, which impairs fertility).

7. Hair and skin changes

Hypothyroidism - your hair becomes dry and brittle and falls out easily. This is because too little thyroid hormone disturbs hair growth cycle. You may also have an unusual hair loss in the outer edge of the eyebrow or other body parts. Your skin might be dry due to slowed metabolism and your nails are brittle. Hyperthyroidism – can also cause hair loss typically just on your head and thin and fragile skin.

8. Body temperature

Hypothyroidism - your hands and feet are cold, or you feel cold and have chills, or your body temperature is consistently below 98.5. Hyperthyroidism – you sometimes feel too warm or sweat excessively.

9. Cholesterol Issues

Hypothyroidism - you have high cholesterol levels, especially when it’s not responsive to diet, exercise or medication. Hyperthyroidism – you may have unusually low cholesterol levels.Juice recipe10. Blood pressure

Hypothyroidism - it is estimated that people with hypothyroidism have two to three times the risk of developing high blood pressure. Hyperthyroidism – systolic blood pressure rises (the upper number in a blood pressure reading) However, diastolic pressure usually stays the same or goes down a little.

11. Heart rate

Hypothyroidism - You may have slower heart rate. The heart rate is modulated by thyroid hormone, so with lower levels of thyroid hormone the heart rate is typically 10-20 beats per minute slower than normal. Hyperthyroidism – your heart may be beating too fast or you you have heart flutters or palpitations.

12. Neck enlargement (goiter)

A goiter is any enlargement of the thyroid gland. You may feel swelling or lump or discomfort in the neck or a hoarse voice. Goiter can occur both in hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

13. Risk factors: Family History, age, gender and smoking

Some people are more likely than others to develop thyroid problems. Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to susceptibility of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Family history – if you have a family history of thyroid problems, you are at a higher risk of having a thyroid condition yourself.

Gender and age – thyroid diseases are more prevalent in females, especially the elderly population. Women are five to eight times more likely than men to have thyroid problems.

Smoking – one component of tobacco smoke is cyanide, which is converted to thiocyanate, which acts as an anti-thyroid agent. The most dramatic effect of smoking on the thyroid is its association with hyperthyroidism. According to an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1993 smokers are twice as likely as nonsmokers to develop Graves’ disease (a swelling of the neck and protrusion of the eyes resulting from an overactive thyroid gland)

So if you suspect you may have a combination of some of these symptoms, you may want to visit your doctor who can diagnose hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism by testing the levels of thyroid hormones in your blood. If you suffer from hypothyroidism, you can read my other post about 8 natural remedies to treat hypothyroidism.

Your Guide to Xenoestrogens (be aware and avoid at all cost)


Before we move on with Xenoestrogens, a brief on Estrogens.

Xenoestrogens are derivatives of Estrogens. Their chemical structure acts like estrogen in the human body. They are highly estrogenic, fat-soluble and non-biodegradable compounds.

Estrogens are a group of steroid compounds, which are part of the hormone cycle and function as the primary female sex hormones in most female mammals.  They are also used as part of some of the oral contraceptives, in estrogen replacement therapy of postmenopausal women. They also act as a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Xenoestrogens, in addition to being highly estrogenic, are fat-soluble and non-biodegradable. Prolonged exposure to Xenoestrogens causes early menstruation and can also cause breast cancer, uterine cancer, fibrocystic breast disease, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, premature sexual development, uterine fibromas, heavy periods, and infertility.  Though our bodies are amazingly resilient, the immunity to endocrine disruptors is not strong enough.


Sources of Xenoestrogens:


Pesticides are perhaps the biggest source of Xenoestrogens. They are highly estrogenic, and some experts estimate that the average American ingests over a pound of pesticides a year.

Xenoestrogens get into our system through our “food-chain” by means of chemical fertilizers and sprays used to disinfect crops. Most bio-accumulate, meaning they are stored in fat cells of fish, poultry and other food sources in increasing concentration until they reach the top of the food chain — where we consume them. Later, they accumulate in our fatty tissues (breast, brain, and liver) and can cause a variety of aliments as mentioned before.


A second major source of Xenoestrogens is the large amount of growth hormones given to livestock and poultry, most of which contains fat-soluble estrogens. When humans consume such live stock or their milk, we ingest those estrogens.

Organo-chlorides like dioxin (a by-product of chlorine when it is burned or processed), PCB’s, PVC’s, and some plasticizers are just a few of the many manmade chemicals that act like estrogen in our bodies. Many others have the effect of interrupting our normal endocrine function, hence the term “endocrine disruptors.”


Products associated with plastics such as bisphenol A and pthalates. Bisphenol-A was originally designed for use a synthetic estrogen replacement. It was found to work quite well as an antioxidant to prevent plastic from breaking down in the sunlight. Bisphenol-A is used in drinking water bottles, plastics used in baby bottles, plastics used to pack food, and some dental composites. Pthalates along with excess estrogen given to chicken used as food were suspected to cause girls as young as 18 months to begin to menstruate in Puerto Rico between 1970 and 1980. Pthalates are found in cosmetics, shampoos, hair dyes and more.


Preservatives used in skin lotions, shampoos, and body lotions such as the Parabens that include Methyl Paraben, Ethyl Paraben, Proply Paraben, Butyl Paraben. Researchers from the Department of Biology and Biochemistry of Brunel University in the United Kingdom have conducted a study and found that alkyl preservatives (methyl, ethyl, propyl  and Butyl Paraben) are weakly estrogenic. The European Union has asked the European Cosmetics and Toiletry industry about these new findings and the implication for breast cancer. These preservatives are found in the vast majority of skin and body lotions, even in natural progesterone creams. Anything absorbed through the skin is 10 times the concentration of an oral dose.


Prevention of Xenoestrogens from entering our system can be done by either avoiding consumption of the very sources of Xenoestrogens if possible or by choosing organic and natural products for consumption. For example, consume organically grown produce and live stock only. Use cosmetics that are prepared without the use parabens.  Avoid usage of plastic products that contain Bisphenol-A and pthalates.

Broccoli, and in particular, the indole 3 carbinol (I3C) found in broccoli, interferes with xenoestrogens. I3C increases the good estrogen (2-hydroxyestrone) to bad estrogen (16-alpha-hydroxyestrone) ratio by increasing the detox enzyme CP450 in the liver.

Besides the food we consume the next biggest source of Xenoestrogens could be Cosmetics. Kassie (owner of Kasia Salon/Skin Care.) feels strongly that - what we put on our skin is a major result of our hormonal problems. Skin is the largest organ of the body, acting like a huge sponge. She says.  “Purely avoiding parabens, we’ve tagged our retail with broccoli seeds ready to  sprout or plant, yielding anti-cancer phytonutrient found in cruciferous vegetables, offering an abundance of Indole-3-carbinol (I3C)”.

About the Author: Kassandra Kuehl, a natural products hair stylist and health coach, and believes that it is important for women pay close attention to the ingredients in their hair, skin, and body care products. Her goal is to help you wake up to the power of the choices you make every day, and how those choices impact your health and well-being.

Kassandra  has many educational articles and info about her Organic Salon Services at www.KasiaOrganicSalon.com. Kasia Salon offers high-quality, natural skin care products to help improve your overall health of your skin, body, and soul! 

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