Womens Health

72% of Women Are Effected by Hair Loss Due to Iron Deficiencies



The most common form of anaemia is iron deficiency anaemia. Women are particularly susceptible to iron deficiency due to the regular loss of iron rich blood during menstruation. Iron deficiency is believed to be a relatively common precursor to female hair loss, in fact, 72% of women with hair loss have an iron deficiency.

Symptoms: Rapid hair loss, weight loss, pale appearance, spoon shaped nails, depression, change of hair color to a lighter shade, excessive dryness of hair.

There are many reasons that women Anaemia is commonly caused by a lack of iron, which is one of the most important minerals for your hair. Iron also optimizes energy levels, nourishes your skin and keeps your heart healthy - an all-round essential for your general fitness and well-being.



Iron deficiency anaemia is caused by low numbers of red blood cells (haemoglobin). It usually occurs if your diet lacks iron-rich foods, or you aren’t absorbing it correctly. However, loss of blood, illness and pregnancy can also be causes of anaemia. A large proportion of women who come into our trichological clinics for hair loss treatment have some degree of anaemia.


If you’re losing your hair, or notice it isn’t growing at the rate or to the length it used to, we suggest you have your doctor test your iron levels, as both of these can be symptoms of anaemia. Iron levels should be Healthy-Hairanalysed by checking the following blood levels.

It’s important to follow the dosage, as high iron levels can also be dangerous and taking more than prescribed will not lead to a faster result. You may also want to ask your doctor to suggest changes to your diet. The most beneficial treatment for anaemia is when you receive iron both through good nutrition and the correct supplement.


Ferritin is a stored iron that helps to produce hair cell protein. It’s found in every cell in your body and is essential for healthy hair.


Ferritin is stored iron, so first and foremost good levels are important in the prevention of anaemia. Correct ferritin levels also maximize your hair’s ‘anagen’ or ‘growing’ phase and encourage your hairs to grow to their full length. When you aren’t getting enough iron through your diet, your body takes ferritin stored in non-essential tissue, like your hair bulb, and gives it to essential tissue, such as your heart.

Because your hair bulb is where all your hair cells are produced, this leeching of ferritin can cause your hair to shed before it reaches its maximum length. This can even occur if your haemoglobin level is normal. Ferritin can also be too high, and cause a condition known as haemocromatosis, where your body produces excess iron which can affect your liver and heart.


Ferritin levels are not always tested, even when your iron levels are tested. If you notice excessive hair loss, ask your doctor to check them. However, it’s important to note that optimum ferritin levels for your hair are higher than those considered acceptable for your body. Again, this is down to your hair being a non-essential tissue.


At Kasia Organic Salon we often recommend taking ErythroPro by Premier Research Labs.

 ErythroPro Key Benefits:

  • Highly bio-available, natural-source iron; does not promote free radical production such as inorganic (rock) forms of iron (i.e. ferrous Fumarate).
  • Designed to help rapidly restore iron levels and support overall mineral metabolism.
  • Provides key blood factors; elegant natural sources of folic acid, vitamin B12, copper, iodine and more.thumbnail.asp
  • Natural-source iron does not accelerate aging in the brain or the neurological system (ferrous fumarate and other non-living source forms of iron can stress immunity, cause constipation and are difficult to absorb)
  • Can be used in pregnancy without creating an upset stomach, nausea or morning sickness

It can take as long as 6 months to increase ferritin levels, but don’t despair or become impatient. As your levels improve, your hair will benefit immensely.


  • Red meat
  • Liver
  • Kidneys
  • Lentils
  • Spinach
  • Raw peaches
  • Prunes
  • Prune juice
  • Raw or dried apricots
  • Broccoli tops
  • Potato skins
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Parsley
  • Treacle (molasses)
  • Beetroot

Reference Article :  Phillip Kinglsey

Awareness of Xenoestrogens & the Key to Hormone Metabolism for Beautiful Health


 The following is a topic very important  to me - and I am passionate to share with you- Informed Beauty.... it's a long one, but worth it!   

As a "hair and skin expert," I look at my clients as a whole person from their hair style or hair color that is desired, to what may be some of the underlying reasons there are external challenges such as acne  or hair loss.    We work with our guest's "comprehensive beauty," including overall nutritional, emotional, physical, and hormonal health  and  how it effects the hair and skin.

When I first started on the "organic beauty" path I spent multiple weekends with well respected functional medicine expert Dr. Bob Rakowski.  He would state that just living on earth we are at risk for toxic estrogen exposure and are swimming in a sea of estrogens.  I couldnt help but connect the dots back to the beauty industry - filled with chemicals.

Fact:  30 percent of the cancers that affect the sex organs (breast, prostate, ovarian), but the cause of the remaining 70 percent is likely due to chemical estrogen exposure and problems with metabolism due to diet and a sedentary lifestyle. The solution is to live a lifestyle that both detoxifies and minimizes exposure to chemical estrogens.


Estrogen Dominance – Symptoms, Causes, and What to do About It


Estrogen dominance is becoming one of the more common hormone imbalances today among both men and women. Estrogen dominance occurs when the ratio of estrogen to progesterone sways too much one way or another.

Estrogen dominance can often times be easily identified. 

Aromatase-Women have a disproportionate amount of fat storage on the lower body and around the waist line. -Men with high estrogen store fat around the breasts, back of their arms and legs. -Children also have high levels of exposure to chemical estrogens.

Chemical, and/or xeno-estrogens are un-avoidalbe.  There are some 70,000 registered chemicals having hormonal effects, in addition to being carcinogenic. The synergistic effects of exposure are well documented, but largely unknown. These substances can increase the estrogen load in the body over time and are difficult to detoxify through the liver.


This article is a guest post by  Charles Poliquin -  telling you why and how you can change your lifestyle in the following ten ways for estrogen health:

1)    Improve Gastrointestinal Health 2)    Improve Diet 3)    Decrease Body Fat 4)    Use Phytoestrogens To ImproveEstrogen Detoxification 5)    Stop Testosterone From Turning into Estrogen 6)    Improve Estrogen Metabolism 7)    Ensure Complete Elimination 8)    Supplement With Essential Nutrients 9)    Watch What You Drink
10)    Limit Chemical Estrogen Exposure
Estrogen: The Basics
Estrogen is a hormone that is produced primarily in the ovaries in women and in the testes in men. For men, it plays an important role in sperm production and bone maintenance. Estrogen is also produced by other tissues in both men and women, including fat and the brain.The amount of estrogen needed by men to support these functions is very small, and men tend to have excess estrogen in their systems for two reasons.
First, an enzyme called aromatase that is found in tissues throughout the body will turn testosterone into estrogen. Aromatase is found in body fat meaning that men with more fat will produce more aromatase and therefore have higher estrogen levels and lower testosterone. The good news is you can block aromatase by eating or supplementing with nutrients that do this naturally. There are also drugs that inhibit aromatase that are used to prevent breast and prostate cancer, but it’s best to take the natural route without consuming synthetic drugs.
Secondly, men have excess estrogen because of the chemical estrogens in the environment, such as BPA and phthalates. BPA is a petroleum based chemical that mimics estrogen i
n the body and studies have shown that it affects endocrine response in the body in humans and animals.

How Estrogen Is Detoxified By The Liver

Estrogen is metabolized by the liver. The liver converts excess estrogens into compounds that can be excreted by the body. The catch is there are three pathways through which estrogen can be metabolized. One is a “toxic” pathway that is linked to cancer development, the second is unfavorable for health, and the third is more benign and preferable.If your body can convert estrogens along what is called the 2-hydroxy pathway it will be healthier

Estrogen Manand you’ll decrease your cancer risk, whereas if your body converts along the 16-alpha-hydroxy pathway it will be at greater risk of cancer. Just remember that  the C-2 pathway is healthier and the C-16 pathway is toxic. The other unfavorable pathway is the C-4 pathway, which should also be avoided. The solution is to nutritionally support conversion of estrogen along the C-2 pathway, which can be initiated by ensuring you have a healthy gut.

1)    Improve Gastrointestinal Health

Poor gastrointestinal health can inhibit excretion of unwanted estrogen from the

body and promote its reabsorption. A healthy gut with dietary fiber in the form lignan, such as flaxseeds, can bind to estrogen in the digestive tract so that it will be excreted from the body.   When the estrogen breaks free in the large intestine, it re-enters circulation and is not removed from the body. This is a bad situation.

The solution is to eat adequate fiber (broccoli is great for this) and include lignans in the diet, including flax, cruciferous veggies, and leafy greens.  A probiotic is essential because it will increase the “good bacteria” in the gut and support neurotransmitter function.


2)    Improve Diet With Low Carb, High-Protein, Omega-3 Fats


 A diet that is low in simple carbs and high in vegetable carb sources will help you detoxify estrogens and provide adequate fiber. To avoid excess estrogen, you need to manage insulin because it doing so is better for body composition, and persistently high insulin produces a poor endocrine profile that can inhibit estrogen detoxification.

Getting your carbs from vegetable and fruit sources will provide the lignans and fiber needed for gut health and increase antioxidant levels, which can abolish free radicals that produced by estrogen that goes down the C-16 pathway. Omega-3 fats, which are found in fish, have been shown to promote the C-2 pathway over the 16 pathway, particularly EPA omega-3 fatty acids. On the flip side, diets low in omega-3s have resulted in estrogen being metabolized primarily through the C-16 pathway. I’ve written a lot about omega-3s so I won’t go into detail here, but supplementation with a high concentration of EPA and DHA fish oil daily is recommended for estrogen metabolism.

A high protein diet will produce a better body composition for most people. Plus, low protein diets have been shown to decrease activity of something called cytochrome P450 that detoxifies estrogen. The amino acids lysine and threonine have been shown to support liver function and since estrogen is metabolized by the liver, it is thought that these proteins can help get rid of estrogen from the body. Lysine and threonine are found in meat, fish, beans, eggs, and some seeds (sesame, fenugreek). Sesame seeds also provide fiber and fenugreek helps lower the insulin response to carbs, making both good additions to your diet.

3)    Decrease Body Fat

The more fat you have, the more estrogen you’ll have because fat tissue increases levels of the aromatase enzyme that turns testosterone to estrogen. Decreasing body fat and building lean mass are key to cancer prevention and estrogen detox.

4)    Use Phytoestrogens To Promote the C-2 Pathway

Include foods with phytoestrogens in your diet because they will take natural and chemical estrogens out of play in the body. Phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds that can bind to

estrogen receptors, but they have about 1/1000th of the effect on the body as real or chemical estrogen. When phytoestrogens bind to estrogen receptors they basically take up the parking sport of the true estrogen, and keep it from exerting its effect.

Lignans and isoflavones are the main phytoestrogens, and in addition to binding with estrogen receptors, they can increase SHBG levels (protects the body by binding to estrogen), decrease aromatase (prevents testosterone turning into estrogen), and shift metabolism of estrogen away from the C-16 pathway to the C-2 pathway (the safer pathway).

The best phytoestrogens to include in the diet are flax, sesame, leafy greens, kudzu, alfalfa, clover, licorice root, and legumes. Greens, flax, and sesame can be easily added to the diet, and the others can be supplemented to support estrogen detoxification.

5)    Block Aromatase and Stop Testosterone From Turning into Estrogen

Blocking aromatase is key for getting rid of estrogen because it plays the main role in producing estrogen in men. If aromatase is present, there are two chances for estrogen to be produced in the body. First, the hormone androstenedione will be turned into testosterone unless aromatase is present in which case it will be turned into estrogen. Then, aromatase will turn testosterone into estrogen as well.

Nutrients that have a proven effect on aromatase include selenium, melatonin, zinc, green tea, and citrus flavonones—substances found in orange and grapefruit rinds along with tomato skins. You can include these in your diet and take a supplement for best results.

We know aromatase inhibitors work because there are numerous studies demonstrating their influence, and one of the most illuminating is a review that found that men who took a combination of zinc, folic acid, acetyl-l-carnitine, and had adequate omega-3s improved fertility and sexual health. Flax and lignans were also part of the diet. This study tells us that estrogen detox is not a simple endeavor. Rather, it’s a lifestyle that includes the ideal diet with additional nutrient supplementation to inhibit aromatase, boost SHBG, and reduce the ratio of estrogen that goes down the C-16 pathway in favor of the C-2 pathway.

6)    Improve Estrogen Metabolism By Promoting the C-2 Pathway

Promoting the C-2 pathway of estrogen metabolism is probably the most important thing you can do to prevent cancer. The first step of estrogen elimination is for enzymes to initiate metabolism by joining the estrogen molecule. This will happen at either the 2-carbon position or the 16-carbon position of the molecule, which determines the pathway the estrogen will head down.

The C-2 pathway produces very weak estrogenic activity and is termed “good” estrogen. In contrast, the C-16 pathway produces robust estrogenic activity and promotes tissue damage that leads to cancer. There’s also a C-4 pathway, that is not good, but its role is small and for simplicity sake you only need to know that you want to avoid it as well.

In one large scale study of premenopausal women, those who metabolized estrogen predominantly via the C-2 pathway were 40 percent less likely to develop breast cancer during the five-year study.

Key nutrients for supporting the C-2 pathway are EPA fish oils, phytoestrogens, and of special importance, B vitamins and a substance called DIM. The B vitamins, particularly B6, B12, and folic acid promote the C-2 pathway. B6 is also known to decrease gene activity once estrogen is bound to a receptor, meaning this vitamin can inhibit cell damage and cancer development.

DIM is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower. It is often taken in supplement form because you would need to eat large quantities of these vegetables daily in order to provide sufficient DIM to have an effect on estrogen elimination.

7)    Ensure Complete Elimination of Estrogen 

Once you shift your estrogen elimination to the C-2 pathway you have to make sure it gets excreted from the body. Two things can happen along the way out that cause big problems. First, estrogen that is heading down the C-2 pathway can be easily turned into something called quinones, which are “highly reactive” and can damage DNA and cause cancer.

As estrogen is heading out of the intestine, it needs to be bound to glucuronic acid, but there is a “bad” intestinal bacteria that contains an enzyme that breaks estrogen apart from the glucuronic acid.  This is the second place estrogen detoxification can go wrong. When the “bad” bacteria, called glucouronidase, uncouples the bond between estrogen and glucuronic acid, estrogen re-enters circulation, effectively raising estrogen levels in the body and damaging tissue. To avoid this, you need a healthy gut as mentioned in #1, which you can get by taking a probiotic, and eating lots of fiber and lignans.

8)    Supplement With Essential Nutrients 

To review, the essential nutrients to help detoxify estrogen are the B vitamins, zinc, omega-3 fish oils, DIM (nutrient found in cruciferous vegetables), green tea, magnesium, selenium, and melatonin. The only nutrient I haven’t already mentioned is vitamin E, which is a potent antioxidant.

Magnesium plays a role in methylation, or that final phase of estrogen excretion mentioned in #7.  I call your attention to it here because almost everyone needs to supplement with magnesium because people are chronically deficient. Athletes and strength trainees are especially susceptible to low magnesium because this nutrient plays a role in muscle contractions. Low vitamin E is associated with elevated estrogen and it has been shown to inhibit the growth of breast and prostate cancer cells.

9)    Watch What You Drink  

Eliminate all alcohol besides certain red wine. Sardinian and Spanish wines are rich in antioxidants that help remove estrogens. Other good choices are Pinot and Merlot. Alcohol increases estrogen levels in men and women, and it has been shown to decrease testosterone as WaterBottlewell. Even moderate alcohol consumption (other than Sardinian, Spanish and certain French wines) has been shown to increase the risk of prostate and breast cancer.

10)    Limit Chemical Estrogen Exposure 

Avoiding chemical estrogens is one of the most important strategies for preventing cancer and protecting yourself. If you were able to have no contact with chemical estrogens, and you had good nutrition, a lean body composition, and a large proportion of muscle mass, it is very unlikely you’d have excess estrogen or be at risk of cancer. But, chemical estrogens are everywhere. It is only recently that the mainstream medical community has started to seriously consider the connection between cancer and the toxic environment the industry has created with the lax regulation of toxic estrogenic chemicals.

There is even a movement in public health advocacy that government regulatory bodies and chemical companies need to take action to reduce environmental toxins. Although there is an awareness that the responsibility of reducing cancer risk shouldn’t be on the individual because we cannot completely avoid contact with chemical estrogens, the reality is that you have to take responsibility for eliminating estrogen from your body and the bodies of your loved ones.


List of Xenoestrogens

  • Organ chlorines, are one of the largest sources. They are used in pesticides, dry cleaning, bleaching of feminine-hygiene products and the manufacture of plastics.
  • Bisphenol-A, a breakdown of polycarbonate, is used in many plastic bottles. It’s found in the lining of many food cans and juice containers.
  • Avoid heated plastics, plastic lined items and Styrofoam (microwave, oven, sun), as the polycarbonate escapes
  • Use glass, ceramics or steel to store/consume foods and liquids.
  • Choose organic produce. Always go organic with thin skinned fruits and vegetables.
  • Buy hormone-free animal products (eggs, poultry, meats, dairy). To avoid xenoestrogen injections, supplements, bovine growth hormone.
  • A common food preservative in processed foods (BHS: butylated hydroxyanisole).
  • Avoid non-organic coffee and tea.
  • Use reverse-osmosis filter water or purchase your own filter (drinking and bathing).
  • Many creams and cosmetics contain parabens and stearal konium chloride. Choose natural brands (preservatives made with minerals or grapefruit seed extract).
  • Most skin lotions, creams, soaps, shampoo, cosmetics use parabens and phenoxyethanol as a preservative. Substances are 100% absorbed into the body. Go natural or organic.
  • Phthalates are commonly found in baby lotions and powders.
  • Sunscreen can contain benzophenone-3, homosalate, 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor, octal-methoxycinnamate, octal-dimethyl-PABA. Go organic.
  • Many perfumes, deodorizers, air fresheners have artificial scents and contain phthalates.
  • Most perfumes are petrochemically based.
  • Nail polish and removers contain harsh chemicals.
  • The birth control pill contains high concentration of synthetic estrogen. Choose a condom or diaphragm gels without surfactants. Use a condom without spermicidal.
  • Hormone replacement therapy (contains synthetic estrogens) - opt for paraben-free progesterone cream.
  • Research ingredients in your pharmaceuticals.
  • Dryer sheets, fabric softeners and detergents put petrochemicals right on your skin. Use laundry detergent with less chemicals or use white vinegar and baking soda.
  • Be aware of noxious gas that comes from copiers and printers, carpets, fiberboards, new carpets.


Guidelines to minimize your personal exposure to xenoestrogens:

  • Choose chlorine-free products and unbleached paper products.
  • Avoid all pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.
  • Use filtered water to drink and bathe in to avoid chlorine.
  • Whenever possible, choose organic foods.
  • Buy hormone free meats and dairy products to avoid hormones and pesticides.
  • Use chlorine free tampons, menstrual pads, toilet paper, paper towel, coffee filters, etc.
  • Reduce the use of plastics whenever possible.
  • Do not microwave food in plastic containers.
  • Avoid the use of plastic wrap to cover food for storing or microwaving.
  • Use glass or ceramics whenever possible to store food.
  • Do not leave plastic containers, especially your drinking water, in the sun.
  • If a plastic water container has heated up significantly, throw it away - do not drink the water.
  • Don't refill plastic water bottles.
  • Avoid freezing water in plastic bottles to drink later.
  • Buy food grown locally and in season, organic if possible.
  • Peel non-organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Use chemical free, biodegradable laundry and household cleaning products whenever possible.
  • Use chemical free soaps and toothpastes.
  • Avoid creams and cosmetics that have toxic chemicals and estrogenic ingredients such as parabens and stearal konium chloride.
  • Minimize your exposure to nail polish and nail polish removers.
  • Use naturally based fragrances, such as essential oils.
  • Read the labels on condoms and diaphragm gels.
  • Minimize X-rays whenever possible.
  • Be aware of noxious gas such as from copiers and printers, carpets, fiberboards, and at the gas pump.



Linda Beadle Estrogen Article Knower, K., To, S., et al. Melatonin Suppresses Aromatase Expression and activity in Brest Cancer Associated Fibroblasts.Breast Cancer Research Treatment. January 2012. Published Ahead of Print. Gao, R., Zhao, L., et al. Methylseleninic Acid is a Novel suppressor of Aromatase Expression. Journal of Endocrinology. 2012. 212(2), 199-205.

Heudel, P., Tredan, O., et al. Antihormonal Therapy in Breast Cancer and mTor Inhibitors.Bulletin du Cancer. 2011. 98(12), 1431-1437.
Simpson, E. Sources of Estrogen and Their Importance. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2003. 86(3-5), 225-230.
Zahayi, A., Perel, M. The Information Encoded by the Sex Steroid Hormones Testosterone and Estrogen: a Hypothesis. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2011. 280(1), 146-149.
Cutolo, M., Sulli, A., et al. Estrogen Metabolism and Autoimmunity. Autoimmune Reviews. December 2011. Published Ahead of Print.
Ye, L., Chan, F., et al.The Citrus Flavonone Hesperetin Inhibits Growth of Aromatase-Expressing MCF-7 Tumor in Ovariectomized Athymic Mice.Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. December 2011. Published Ahead of Print.
Mousa, N., Eiada, R., et al. The Effect of Acute Aromatase Inhibition on Breast Parenchymal Enhancement in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Prospective Pilot Clinical Trial. Menopause. January 2012. Published Ahead of Print.
Teas, J., Cunningham, J., et al. Urinary Estrogen
Medical Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of a licensed medical doctor. Kasia does not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have or suspect a mental or physical health condition, please see your healthcare provider.

A Natural Facelift and Radiant Complexion with 3 Hormones and Living Nutrients

The word "hormone" is derived from the Greek word hormo which means "to set in motion." Hormones stimulate and regulate an endless list of critical functions within your body.
Let's take a look at the most dominant hormones that promote a "rejuv" that has the   greatest effect on your over all hormonal health and appearance.

Get a natural face lift with Premier Quality 3-Hormone Cream

Natural Woman

The Mechanics

This product is the only natural hormone cream on earth. It is made with electromagnetically charged natural, organic particles.  Natural wild yam has been processed into three natural bio-identical hormones: 5% Pregnenolone, 5% DHEA and 2% Progesterone. Pregnenolone yields all natural steroid synthesis and supports the thickness and firmness of skin. DHEA aids adrenal and endocrine glands while Progesterone supports healthy hormones and skin.Cream.

3 Fabulous Natural Hormones

5% Natural Pregnenolone (Wild Yam Synthesis)
  • Precursor of all natural steroid synthesis
  • Supports skin plumpness and firmness
  • Guaranteed benzene-free
5% Natural DHEA (Wild Yam Synthesis)
  • Supports adrenals, endocrineglands and healthy skin
  • Guaranteed solvent-free


2% Natural Progesterone (Wild Yam Synthesis)
  • 100%naturally active in the human body
  • Supports healthy hormones and lustrous skin
  • Absolutelynopreservatives

100% Nontoxic Cream

  • No propylene glycol, parabens, carbomer 940, polysorbate 60, cetyl alcohol, peg 8 stearate, solvents (such as benzene) or other toxic chemical
  • No petroleum-based mineral oil,which clogs pores

Unparalleled cell uptake

  • Up to 98% absorption by the cell as compared to 3 to 6% with ordinary creams
  • Quickly absorbed by the cell
  • Not sticky; leaves no residue on your skin
  • Absorbed intracellularly, not between cells into connective tissue (as seen with inferior creams)

Quickly absorbed by the cell

  • Notsticky
  • Absorbed intracellularly, not between cells into connective tissue (as seen with inferior creams)

The Quantum Effect 

Each cell in the body is replaced every 160 days.  The health of those cells depend upon the nutrition they are fed. Only nutrients from "once living" sources can effectively give the cells the nutrition they depend upon.  We call this the "Life Source".  Over 97% of the vitamin and mineral supplements found in the typical retail "health" store are synthetics or made from fractionated and isolated nutrients.  These products cannot hope to perform the important task of healthy cell regeneration.  In long-term use, these poorer sources can often lead to additional health problems.

happy women
PRL Rejuvination Cream

1. 100% Natural Progesterone 
Laboratory processed to bio-identical human progesterone (wild yam source)
a) 100% naturally active in the human body 
b) The Yam Scam: Beware of products that contain only wild yam. Wild yam alone will not work un-less it’s been activated (via laboratory processing) to bio-identical natural progesterone

2. Luxurious, Natural Cream Base 
100% botanical base cream made with highly charged plant mineral technology

3. Absolutely No Preservatives 
Our highly charged plant mineral process naturally preserves the cream in its natural energy state so there is no need for toxic preservatives.

4. 100% Pure, Nontoxic Ingredients 
Our cream is so pure it’s edible, but best application is on your skin.

5. Natural Progesterone 
In micronized form, stabilized with vitamin E for excellent absorption.

6. Unparalleled Absorption 
Charged Plant Mineral Technology with its highly polarized herbal particles allows up to a full 98% absorption by the cell as compared to typical 3 to 6% by most ordinary creams.

7. Quick Absorption By The Cell 
Within seconds, our silky, toxic-free cream is fully absorbed, leaving NO sticky residues

The Other Guys

1. Other creams may not contain natural progesterone (yam source).

a) Some creams contain wild yam but it has NOT been converted in a lab. Your body cannot convert it to real progesterone. It does NOT raise the body’s progesterone levels.

b) Some creams do have U.S.P. grade progesterone but it is syn-thetic (NOT from natural sources). Not biocompatible with living bodies.

c) Some creams contain only diosgenin, a chemical from wild yam. This molecule is too large to be absorbed by your skin. It does NOT raise the body’s progesterone levels.

d) Some doctors give Provera, a prescription drug, to women who have low progesterone. But Provera is a progestin, NOT progesterone. It can drive a woman’s low progesterone levels DOWN even further!

2. Other cream bases often contain propylene glycol, a cheap syn-thetic petrochemical. Sometimes the cream base is non-organic, poorly grown Aloe vera which tests toxic.

3. Toxic preservatives are common such as parabens (propyl, methyl, butyl, or ethyl) or benzene compounds.

4. May contain many questionable and known toxic ingredients such as: propylene glycol, parabens, cetyl alcohol, peg 8 stearate, carbomer 940, polysorbate 60 stearal konium chloride or other toxic chemicals. Remember, what you put on your skin, you are eating!

5. Most creams are not micronized formulations, so uptake is poor. Without being stabilized in vitamin E, plant hormones can degrade rapidly.

6. Other creams usually have poor absorption into the cell (3 to 6%) as compared with Charged Plant Mineral Technology (up to 98% absorption). Typical creams have “flat”, weakly charged molecules that mostly glide into the connective tissue spaces BETWEEN the cells, rather than entering the cells themselves.

7. Other creams often have a greasy feel and leave a sticky residue on your skin.


Ingredients: Nano-Pure™ [water/aqua, zea maus oil, vegetable glycerin, daucus carota sat. (carrot) root extract, guar gum, allium cepa (onion) extract, citrus nob. (orange) peel extract, prunus arm. (apricot) kernel oil, corylus ave. (hazelnut) oil, vitis vin. (grape) seed extract, equisetum arv. (horsetail) aerial extract, USP DHEA (dihydroepiandrosterone 5%; yam-derived), USP natural pregnenolone (5%; yam derived), Progesterone (2% yam-derived) rosa spp. (rose) petal oil.

No toxic preservatives such as parabens, TEA or urea.

 Contact Kasia Organic Salon today for additional questions on how hormones effect your over-all health, and/or how to purchase Premier Quantum Rejuvination Cream.

612.824.7611    *     kassie@kasiaorganicsalon.com


Your 'Beautiful Health' Alternative to Antiperspirant and Deodorant


Companies don’t always have our health in mind when they are developing cosmetics. The goal is to create a product that makes people more attractive, whether by making their skin look younger, adding luster to their hair, or by covering up natural body odor. Too often these goals are achieved by incorporating harmful ingredients to make products more shelf stable or the right consistency or to smell better. Deodorants and antiperspirants are no exception.......

Deodorant vs. Antiperspirant: What’s the difference?

Deodorant is intended to inhibit bacterial growth with the use of an antiseptic (the bacteria is what causes the odor). Deodorants do not reduce perspiration, though, so they are simply considered a cosmetic, rather than a drug.

Most antiseptics require some kind of preservative to retain their effectiveness over time, so most deodorants contain parabens for this purpose. Parabens are absorbed through the skin, mimic estrogen, and the connection between parabens and breast cancer is hard to deny.

Antiperspirants rely on aluminum chlorhydrate to block the pores from producing sweat. This does two things: 1) prevents unsightly sweat rings in the armpits, and 2) discourages odor by eliminating the moisture that odor-causing bacteria feed on. Most antiperspirants include a deodorant of some kind, too, to mask any odors that might slip through after it begins to lose its effectiveness. Antiperspirants are considered a drug, because they interfere with an essential function of the body (perspiration).

While it is commonly believed that the aluminum used in antiperspirant increases the risk of breast cancer, any studies performed seem to have only found a “potential connection,” not hard evidence; but that “potential risk,” combined with the danger of parabens, is one that many people don’t want to take. Aluminum has other faults, too, though; it’s responsible for the yellow armpit stains you find on your white shirts and many people are sensitive to aluminum, breaking into a rash with use.

Oh, but that’s not all. Let’s not forget about added fragrance. If a company does not list out every single ingredient that goes into the fragrance of their deodorant or antiperspirant, don’t buy it. The word “fragrance” on the label may as well say “toxic substances.”

Reduce sweating and odor through diet...Some foods and beverages encourage the body to sweat more

  • Spicy foods
  • Garlic and onion – these also make body odor worse, as do strong spices like curry.
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Processed foods – they just put more toxins into your body, which will come back out via perspiration.

Foods that help reduce sweating and odor:

  • Drinking lots of water keeps your internal body temperature lower.
  • Eating foods with a high water content, like fruits and vegetables, will have the same effect as drinking water.
  • Tea – tannic acid is a natural astringent (i.e., odor reducer).
  • Cook with olive oil to encourage digestion – you sweat less when your body doesn’t have to work as hard to move food through the digestive system.
  • Sage – cook with it or make tea out of it to reduce the activity of your sweat glands over time.

Dietary supplements that reduce sweating:

  • B vitamins and vitamin C – these encourage the elimination of toxins through the urine instead of through the skin
  • Magnesium – low magnesium levels contribute to both sweating and body odor. If you don’t get much calcium in your diet, you’ll have to take your magnesium with a calcium supplement or you won’t absorb it very well. Magnesium can also be absorbed through the skin, so another use for the magnesium oil I mentioned earlier is magnesium supplementation. See the example at right.


Kasia Pure-Oderant – Organic Protection

Keep your under arms in check, naturally! Made with a pure blend of certified organic Hemp oil, Aloe Vera and mineral salts formulated to soften skin and eliminates odor-causing bacteria for up to 24 hours, our deodorant dries quickly with no residue.  It WORKS!

pure oderant

Key Benefits

Non-Toxic Protection:

No harmful aluminum, alcohol, parabens or proplyene glycol


No harmful propellants—it’s pit- and ozone-friendly

No animal testing


Scented with organic essential oils

Soothing and healing Aloe Vera softens skin

Reference: findwholeness.com

Informed Beauty Toxic Ingredient: RESORCINOL

We know about the popular "no-no's" in traditional hair color - that being Ammonia and PPD.  But do not forget the identity complex of Resorcinol


This chemical is found in most commercial hair dyes.  Resorcinol is an endocrine-disrupting agent, meaning it will adversely affect the part of your body responsible for the production and balance of various hormones in your system. An example of a hormone-related condition that resorcinol can cause is hypothyroidism, which causes your thyroid to slow down its production of hormones related to your metabolism. There are also some concerns that this ingredient can cause organ system toxicity, and it certainly does cause severe irritation of the skin and eyes.  

WHAT IS IT? Resorcinol is a colorant and fragrance ingredient, typically used to create yellow tones in everything from brilliant brunettes to the blondest blondes. It’s a common ingredient in hair color and bleaching products. Its inexpensive and easily stabilized nature makes it a common villain lurking on drugstore shelves across the country.

HEALTH RISK: It is a known skin irritant, allergen, carcinogen, hormone disruptor and is severely toxic to the immune system and body’s organs. It can lead to permanent thyroid gland damage, heart rate changes and severe headaches and nausea.The federal government regulates exposures to resorcinol in salons and by professionals, but unfortunately there are not yet any regulations limiting amounts of resorcinol in over the counter products and cosmetics.

HOW TO AVOID: Since resorcinol takes on many names, it is important to thoroughly scour labels for any of its monikers. If you see these words, consider the red flag raised:

  • M-dihydroxybenzene
  • M-hydroquinone
  • M-phenylenediol
  • 3-hydroxyphenol
  • 1,3-benzenediol
  • CI developer 4
  • Oxidation base 31
  • 1,3-dihydroxybenzene
  • Resorcin

blonde hairNON-TOXIC ALTERNATIVE We LOVE and stand by our PPD/AMMONIA/RECORCINOL FREE hair color at Kasia.  It delivers brilliant color and shine that lasts with 100% grey coverage.

Resources: ngetholistichealth.com thechalkboardmag.com

Informed Beauty Top Toxic Ingredient to Avoid: FD&C Color Pigments


Countless FD&C color pigments initiate skin sensitivity and irritation. The harmful aspects of utilizing artificial colors are extensive. As far as humans are concerned, these chemicals are suspected carcinogens. FOUND IN: Shampoos, toothpastes, body washes, cleansers, baby products, wipes, hand washes, deodorants, lotions, creams, etc.

WHAT IS IT? Grab just about any bottle of shampoo, your tube of toothpaste or package of baby wipes and you’ll notice a common trend. FD&C color pigments are commonly found on shelves everywhere.  These synthetic colors are made from coal tar, which should be reason enough to avoid them.

HEALTH RISK: Don’t be fooled by the seemingly harmless acronym for “Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act,” which  polish nail ingredientsmandated the certification of select color additives. Almost all FD&C pigments are carcinogenic. The coal tar deposits the toxins from heavy metal salts directly onto skin, causing irritation and sensitivity. And that is the least extreme of reactions: Certain colors can cause depletion of oxygen in the body. Animal studies have shown almost all of them to be carcinogenic.

HOW TO AVOID IT: Keep an eye out for FD&C in all cosmetics and personal care products.  Also, avoid them in food and beverage products.

We service the most BEAUTIFUL women! What is YOUR Story?


suzanneI  love the feeling of serenity at Kasia Organic Salon....

From the welcome when I first enter the salon to the hug I receive when I leave, the total experience is always one that says, "You are important." No rushing, no obnoxious loud music {only great tunes from different decades, including the 40's}, no pressure to buy certain products. Kassie and her staff take time to get to know you, your hair and/or skin, your lifestyle and your beauty and style goals.

Kassie does her research and is not only on-trend for style, but is very informed about health issues, as well. She knows that what we put ON our skin and hair, including coloring products, needs to be as high quality as what we put INTO our bodies. She has helped me to advocate for my own "beauty health" through well-researched articles and conversations that we have had.

Just because a product comes with a big marketing budget and is on TV or in magazines does NOT mean it is good for you! Consumers are just catching on to this {think parabens, sulfates, phthalates, pvps, GMO-derived ingredients, etc.} but Kassie has been aware of them and diligently bringing her own, clean version of hair and skin products to the market {or offering others that meet her same stringent standards} since before she opened her salon and had a chair in another shop.

I first came to her frustrated that I was losing a lot of hair and finding no solutions from either my doctors or my hair dresser. That was nearly four years ago. Since then my hair has come a long way and is so much healthier, which makes ME happier. Not only did we agree on a "correction course" for my hair from a cut and color standpoint, but she also pointed me to a doctor who helped me work on nutrition and other deficiencies.

Kassie has introduced me to several great organic products, some from her own line and some from others. The ones that I particularly love of hers are her organic sunscreen, organic hair shine serum, organic shine mist and her wonderful, soy candles.

This review is way overdue ~ thank you, Kassie and Kasia Organic Salon!

Why Woman Suffer From Hairloss After Pregnancy


Approximately 40 to 50% of all women are affected by an excessive amount of hair loss anywhere between a month and five months after their pregnancy. This is called telogen effluvium and while it is not uncommon it does not typically cause any long term problems. Just as other hormonal changes that occur during and just after pregnancies usually iron themselves out, so does this one in most cases. However, there are some women that seem to have a worse time with hair loss after pregnancy. Why Do Women Sometimes Lose Hair After Pregnancy?

There is a scientific explanation for the hair loss that occurs in women after they have had their babies but we will attempt to simplify the explanation. About 90% of your hair grows continuously while the other 10% sits at a resting stage. Once about every 60 to 90 days the hair that has been resting falls out in order to make room for new hair to grow in. During pregnancy hormonal changes occur that prohibit the resting hair from falling out. Once the pregnancy is over and the hormone levels begin to even out, all of the hair that was delayed from falling out during pregnancy comes out all at once. Sometimes this change is subtle and goes unnoticed but in other cases it is extreme and can be quite frightening.

Do Women Lose an Abnormal Amount of Hair During Pregnancy?

Usually any hair loss that is associated with pregnancy occurs sometime after the baby has been born. While the pregnancy is active more hairs will go into the resting stage. This is typical and quite normal during pregnancy. This hair is what comes out after pregnancy. In most cases this hair loss is not significant enough to cause patches or bald spots and most of the time it does grow back in within about three months. However, a vitamin deficiency can cause hair loss and it is very easy to develop a vitamin deficiency while you are pregnant if you are not getting the proper amount of nutrients.

Are There Other Times That Hormones Could Cause Hair Loss?

Hair loss in women could occur at any time estrogen levels are low. This could happen for many reasons. Anytime a woman stops taking birth control pills that she has been taking for a significant amount of time, her estrogen levels could decline quite a bit. Other situations that may lead to lowered estrogen levels are miscarriages, still births, abortions and hormonal imbalances. A hormonal imbalance could occur due to menopause or even specific illnesses of the female reproductive system.

Are There Any Positive Effects on Hair Because of Pregnancy?

Have you ever noticed how full and beautiful most pregnant women’s hair looks? This is because the heightened levels of estrogen in their bodies cause their hair to stay in the growing phase throughout the pregnancy. This is one of the many perks of pregnancy. In addition, some women even report developing curls that they never had before they became pregnant. Estrogen has a major effect on the way a woman’s hair grows as well as how it appears.

Is There Anything That Can Be Done to Help Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy?

Overall nutrition plays a major role in the condition your hair will be in after pregnancy. Be sure to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables that are full of antioxidants and flavanoids to help promote hair growth and protect the hair follicles. Take proper care of your hair and avoid anything that may do damage. For example, wearing your hair in hairstyles that cause tension to your hair is a bad 5d6f63f4ff3c21ba9a507e5e16717ddcidea. Having your hair pulled back in a tight ponytail is an example of a hairstyle to avoid. You will also want to be careful about things like excessive heat styling. Use hair care products that contain silica and biotin. When you hair is wet remember that it can easily break and become damaged. Never brush your hair while it is wet, instead opt to use a wide toothed comb such as a detangling comb.

Take Prenatal Vitamins

Not only is it important to eat a wholesome and healthy diet when you are pregnant but you will also want to be sure and take a good prenatal vitamin supplement. By using preventative measures and making sure that you take very good care of your body, you may help to eliminate or at least decrease your chances of losing a lot of hair after your pregnancy. Pregnant women also report that taking prenatal vitamins do wonders for their fingernails as well so they are definitely good for your hair. It may also be a good idea to continue taking your prenatal vitamins for about three months after you give birth, especially if you are breast feeding.

Consult a Physician

If you have should begin to lose a good deal of hair you may want to consult with your doctor to see that your hormones are at the right levels or at least well on their way. Your doctor may begin some kind of hormone therapy if your problem is severe enough. No matter how bad you may think things are right now try not to become too discouraged. A lot of women go through changes after pregnancy and you are definitely not alone. Whatever it is you are going through now as a result of post pregnancy hormone changes will almost always correct itself.

Post pregnancy hair loss is a common enough occurrence and there are so many women who deal with it everyday. Try going online to search for discussion forums for new moms and you are bound to find a lot of places to talk to other moms who are dealing with whatever it is you are dealing with currently.

Kasia Organic Salon see's many new pregnant women every month.  We specialize in Ammonia/PPD/MEA FREE hair color, hosting NO silent substitutes, making it safe to still look fabulous through the metamorphosis of bearing a child. We carry a host of natural and organic hair, skin, body, and BABY care products to keep toxins out of your bloodstream, and to encourage hair growth to return after the first year of giving birth to your child.    

Contact our "beautiful health" team today!   612.824.7611  or lassie@kasiaorganicsalon.com

Reference/Guest Blog:  Health Guide (dot) com

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